How to sell domains with Referral Tokens

How to Sell Domains with Referral Tokens

Welcome to the guide on how to sell domains with referral tokens! This page provides practical tips to help you select domains for which to mint tokens, and then promote and encourage the registration of domains for which you hold referral tokens. By following these steps, you can maximize your chances of earning rewards from your referral tokens. Let’s get started!

Selecting Valuable Domains for Referral Tokens

1. Understand Market Trends

• Art and Creativity Focus: Look for domains that resonate with the art community, such as names related to various art forms (painting, sculpture, digital art, etc.).

• Keywords: Use relevant and popular keywords in the art world. Consider terms like “gallery,” “studio,” “artist,” and “exhibit.” Consider other trending keywords in the general market that work with an “art” angle.

2. Short and Memorable

• Length: Shorter domains are generally more valuable and more likely to get registered. Aim for domains with 1-2 words that work well together and when added to the “art” extension.

• Ease of Recall: Choose names that are easy to remember and spell. Do they pass the “Radio Test”? (If you heard the name on the radio or in a podcast, would you be able to spell it?) Avoid deliberate misspellings or odd spellings).

3. Relevance and Specificity

• Niche Markets: Target specific niches within the art world, like “” or “”

• Descriptive: Make sure the domain clearly describes the content or purpose of a buyer’s site it could represent. Choose names where you can imagine who the ultimate end-user would be.

Promoting Domains with Referral Tokens

Now that you’ve selected some great names and created your referral tokens, it’s time to promote your names so they get registered and you earn the rewards.

1. Utilize Social Media

• Platforms: Use Instagram, Twitter (X), Facebook, and LinkedIn to promote the domains for which you have referral tokens.

• Content: Share engaging content such as art-related posts, domain name usage ideas, and the benefits of using .ART domains. Be sure to tag potential buyers of the domains and mention places they can register, such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, and

• Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags like #ArtDomain, #CreativeDomain, and #DomainForSale to increase visibility.

2. Email Outreach

• Create an Email List of Potential Buyers for each domain: If you have access to email lists of artists, galleries, or art enthusiasts that would be interested in the domains your tokens represent, send out targeted emails promoting the domains.

• Content: Highlight the uniqueness of the domain names and how they can benefit the recipient’s online presence.

• Call to Action: Include clear calls to action, directing recipients to register the domain at the registrar of their choice, such as GoDaddy, Namecheap,, etc. Is the name on sale somewhere? Let them know. Remember, you earn your reward no matter where the domain is registered or what price it sells for.

3. Forums and Communities

• Art Communities: Participate in online art communities, forums, and groups where artists and art businesses gather.

• Discussion: Engage in discussions and subtly promote the domains by sharing how they can be helpful for artists and galleries.

Tips for Effective Outreach

1. Craft a Compelling Message

• Personalization: Personalize your messages to potential buyers, explaining why the domain is valuable and how it can benefit their online presence.

• Benefits: Emphasize the unique advantages of owning a .ART domain, such as credibility and memorability.

2. Target the Right Audience

• Art Community: Focus on artists, galleries, museums, and art-related businesses benefitting from a dedicated art domain.

• Local Networks: Engage with local art communities and organizations to spread the word.

· Target likely end-users for the domain(s) and let them know how they can use it as a primary address, as a re-direct, as email, as a link to social media accounts, as a shortcut to a specific section of their website, etc.

3. Consistent Follow-Up

• Persistence: Follow up politely after a week or two if you don’t get an immediate response.

• Additional Information: Provide more details or arrange a call to further discuss the domain's potential.

With these tips, you can practice your domain selling and outbound sales skills and encourage the sale of domains for your tokens, so you can literally reap the rewards!

  1. Learn more about domain investing by joining GoDaddy's Domain Academy! Visit WWW.DOMAINACADEMY.COM

Last updated